Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Understanding And Dealing With Hearing Loss

This is the first product I looked at. When I first started checking out information on hearing loss, I just assumed there wasn't any actual way of regaining hearing that's already been lost, so learning about ways to deal with hearing loss seemed perfectly reasonable.

The price is only $10, so, why not? But this truly is a case of you get what you pay for.

Don't get me wrong, the information in the book is perfectly good, it's just not very useful. What it said about the effect of hearing loss on someone's life was completely true, but it isn't anything most of us don't already know from experience!

It also has a great deal of information I didn't find very personally useful, such as how hearing loss affects speech development in children. Very useful for a parent whose child is losing their hearing -- not so helpful for most others!

When you get right down to it, this book is about how to deal with hearing loss, not how to cure it. That really isn't very satisfying, which is why I kept looking.

Cost: 5/5
Quality: 3/5
Usefulness: 2/5
Good for: General information about hearing loss

Read more on Understanding and Dealing With Hearing Loss here.

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